Mac Magazin/MacEasy 2
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 02.iso
Alpha.5.81 folder
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Text File
349 lines
# Shell routines.
proc setShellMode {} {
changeMode "Csh"
insertMenu "Tcl"
proc initShell {} {
insertText "Welcome to Alpha's Tcl shell."
insertText -w [lindex [winNames] 0] [shellPrompt]
# Return the prompt. We want the window name because some of the commands
# we evaluate (such as 'edit') open a new window, and we want the insertion
# to be done in the shell window.
proc shellPrompt {} {
regexp "(\[^:\]*):$" [pwd] crDum crDir
return "\r$crDir> "
# Called at all carriage returns.
proc carriageReturn {} {
global mode
global indentOnCR
set indentString ""
deleteText [getPos] [selEnd]
if {$indentOnCR} {
set pos [getPos]
set text [getText [lineStart $pos] $pos]
for {set i 0; set len [string length $text]} {$i <= $len} {incr i} {
set c [string index $text $i]
if {($c != "\t") && ($c != "\ ")} {
set indentString [string range $text 0 [expr $i-1]]
insertText "\r" $indentString
proc tclCarriageReturn {} {
global mode
global _text
global _returnText
set pos [getPos]
set ind [string first ">" [getText [lineStart $pos] $pos]]
if {$ind < 0} {
set lStart [expr [lineStart $pos]+$ind+2]
set _text [getText $lStart [getPos]]
set fileName [lindex [winNames] 0]
if {[getPos] != [maxPos]} {
goto [maxPos]
insertText -w $fileName $_text
if {[string first "Toolserver" $fileName] != -1} {
if {![catch {dosc -n ToolServer -s $_text} _returnText]} {
insertText "\r" $_returnText
} else {
insertText "\r"
} else {
uplevel #0 {catch $_text _returnText}
if {[string length $_returnText]} {
insertText -w $fileName "\r" $_returnText [shellPrompt]
} else {
insertText -w $fileName [shellPrompt]
unset _text
unset _returnText
bind '\r' carriageReturn
bind '\r' tclCarriageReturn "Csh"
bind '\r' tclCarriageReturn "MPW"
proc startMPW {} {
global toolserverPath
if {![string length [checkRunning ToolServer MPSX toolserverPath]]} return
insertText "Welcome to Alpha's MPW shell (using ToolServer via AppleEvents)."
bind '\r' tclCarriageReturn "MPW"
proc mpwPrompt {} {
insertText "mpw> "
proc setMPWMode {} {
changeMode "MPW"
# tclCarriageReturn
# Shell Aliases
proc l {args} {
eval [concat "ls -CF" $args]}
proc ll {args} {
eval [concat "ls -l" $args]}
proc wc {args} {
set totChars 0
set totLines 0
set totWords 0
set args [glob -nocomplain $args]
foreach file $args {
set id [open $file]
set chars [string length [set text [read $id]]]
set lines [llength [split $text "\n"]]
set words [llength [split $text]]
insertText [format "\r%8d%8d%8d $file" $lines $words $chars]
set totChars [expr $totChars+$chars]
set totWords [expr $totWords+$words]
set totLines [expr $totLines+$lines]
close $id
if {[llength $args] > 1} {
insertText [format "\r%8d%8d%8d total" $totLines $totWords $totChars]
# better-cp-mv.tcl -- modification of your routines, by Mark Nagata
# for Alpha 5.72, 1/04/94
proc cp args {
if {[set len [llength $args]] < 2} {
error "usage: cp <file1> <file2>\r cp <file1> .... <dir>"
set len [expr $len-1]
if {![regexp {.*[^:]} [lindex $args $len] dir]} {
set dir [string range [lindex $args $len] 1 end]
if {![regexp {:} $dir] && $dir != ""} {
set dir [concat :$dir]}
set args [lreplace $args $len $len]
set files {}
foreach arg $args {
append files " " [glob $arg]
set report ""
if {[llength $files] == 1} {
set f [lindex $files 0]
if {[file exists $dir]} {
set targ $dir:[file tail $f]
append report $f\ ->\ $targ \r
copyFile $f $targ
} else {
append report $f\ ->\ $dir \r
copyFile $f $dir
} else {
foreach f $files {
set targ $dir:[file tail $f]
append report $f\ ->\ $targ \r
if {[catch {copyFile $f $targ} that]} {
alertnote "Error copying '$f' -> '$targ': $that"
echo $report
proc mv args {
if {[set len [llength $args]] < 2} {
error "usage: mv <file1> <file2>\r mv <file1> .... <dir>"
set len [expr $len-1]
if {![regexp {.*[^:]} [lindex $args $len] dir]} {
set dir [string range [lindex $args $len] 1 end]
if {![regexp {:} $dir] && $dir != ""} {
set dir [concat :$dir]}
set args [lreplace $args $len $len]
set files {}
foreach arg $args {
append files " " [glob $arg]
set report ""
if {[llength $files] == 1} {
set f [lindex $files 0]
if {[file exists $dir]} {
set targ $dir:[file tail $f]
append report $f\ >->\ $targ \r
moveFile $f $targ
} else {
append report $f\ >->\ $dir \r
moveFile $f $dir
} else {
foreach f $files {
set targ $dir:[file tail $f]
append report $f\ >->\ $targ \r
if {[catch {moveFile $f $targ} that]} {
alertnote "Error moving '$f' -> '$targ': $that"
echo $report
proc rm args {
set files {}
foreach arg $args {
append files " " [glob $arg]
foreach f $files {
removeFile $f
proc getTypeCreator {f} {
set l [ls -l $f]
set len [llength $l]
list [lindex $l [expr $len-4]] [lindex $l [expr $len-3]]
proc tclFileCompletion {} {
set silly "*"
set pos [getPos]
set res [search -f 0 -i 0 -m 0 -r 1 -n {["\{ \t\r]} [expr $pos - 1]]
if {[string length $res]} {
set from [lindex $res 1]
if {$from < $pos} {
set pd [pwd]
set text [getText $from $pos]
if {[string index $text 0] == ":"} {
set pd [string trimright $pd ":"]
if {[catch {glob $pd$text$silly} globbed]} {
set globbed [glob $text$silly]
set pd ""
if {[llength $globbed] == 1} {
set len [string length $pd$text]
insertText [string range [lindex $globbed 0] $len end]
} elseif {[llength $globbed] != 0} {
set globbed [lsort $globbed]
set one [lindex $globbed 0]
set two [lindex $globbed end]
set len [string length $pd$text]
set one [string range $one $len end]
set two [string range $two $len end]
set elen [string length $one]
if {[string length $two] < $elen} {
set elen [string length $two]
set len 0
set str ""
while {($len < $elen) && ([string match $str[string index $one $len]$silly $two])} {
append str [string index $one $len]
incr len
if {!$len} {
set elen [string length $pd]
foreach g $globbed {
lappend short [string range $g $elen end]
set blah [getText [lineStart [getPos]] [getPos]]
insertText "\r" $short "\r" $blah
} else {
insertText $str
# To prevent ambiguity, 'from' is assumed to be a complete pathname, ending
# in a directory name. If it doesn't end w/ a colon, one is added. 'to' is
# assumed to be the parent directory of the top directory we are creating.
proc cpdir {from to} {
set cwd [pwd]
if {[string match ":*" $from] || [string match ":*" $to] ||
![file exists $from] || ![file exists $to]} {
error "'cpdir' args must be complete pathnames of existing folders."
if {![string match "*:" $from]} {append from ":"}
if {![string match "*:" $to]} {append to ":"}
if {![file isdir $from] || ![file isdir $to]} {
exit 1
cphier $from $to
cd $cwd
proc cphier {from to} {
set dir [file tail [string trimright $from ":"]]
cd $to
mkdir "$dir"
foreach f [glob "$from*"] {
if {[file isdir $f]} {
cphier "$f:" "$to$dir:"
} else {
cp $f $to$dir:
if {![string length [info commands oldMkdir]]} {
rename mkdir oldMkdir
rename rmdir oldRmdir
proc mkdir {dir} {
oldMkdir [list $dir]
proc rmdir {dir} {
oldRmdir [list $dir]